Ham radio comms for remote 50k foot race

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Ham radio comms for remote 50k foot race

Post by zonk »

Yesterday was the 7th year I helped provide radio communications for a 50k foot race in mountainous terrain where there is no cell service. We keep track of all the runners' bib numbers and report them back to the race director to track the progress of the runners and make sure nobody is lost or injured. Additionally, we are able to call out for support in case there is an emergency or (more likely) an aid station is in need of supplies.

This year was the first time it ever rained on us, so that was an experience, but we were prepared enough and didn't get soaked (except for the poor guy who had to walk the trail at the end just to make sure nobody was there and any trash was cleaned up). Normally the biggest obstacle is freezing temperatures. Thankfully there were no complications with the race itself. A couple of the runners were starting to get hypothermic because of the rain cooling them down, but to my knowledge nobody ended up requiring medical attention. The aid station got them dried off and warmed up, and we called in a ride for them on the radio.

Our crew has a 90-foot portable antenna tower which is deployed at the top of a hill along with a repeater so that all the different aid stations can contact one another and the start/finish location with the race director. The first year we ever did it, we did not have the repeater, so there was one guy up on the hill relaying the messages between the stations, and we were the first crew to ever successfully establish communications for the race, which is why we continue to be invited back each year.

It's a very fun experience, and I try to recruit all the new local ham radio operators to help out. It's a great way to put those skills to use serving the community and make new friends!
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Re: Ham radio comms for remote 50k foot race

Post by seasnails »

That's really cool! I've always wanted to try out ham radio stuff. Are there any resources you can vouch for, like a link to a complete idiot's beginner guide, or something like that? Or just any general advice for someone with a passing interest?
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Re: Ham radio comms for remote 50k foot race

Post by zonk »

If you just want to dive right in and aren't afraid of reading, the ARRL license manuals are a good resource for studying to get your radio license (if you're in the United States). Ham Radio Crash Course on YouTube is also a pretty good resource, but these days it is mostly a live stream presentation and Q&A channel, so you may need to look around a bit to find info relevant to a complete newcomer.

That said, I think the best advice really is to find the nearest amateur radio club and go meet them. There's a good chance that there are multiple within reasonable driving distance. There you'll find people who can answer your questions, administer the test, lend you equipment, and direct you to events you can participate in (like the one I started this topic for!). Radio clubs definitely have personalities, though, so if you aren't impressed by the first club you visit, just shop around a bit until you find one you like.

If you want to start playing with the radio right away before doing any of that, you can search online for various Web SDR sites where you can tune in to HF radio using someone else's equipment over the internet! Although if you don't know anything going in then it can be a bit intimidating and/or difficult to find stations and understand what they're saying. There are probably YouTube videos about how to use them, but I haven't looked.
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