Similar to the Music Wrapped that Spotify has, my Podcast app of choice AntennaPod also has a Yearly Wrap. Sadly because of a Data Incident on my phone I lost Everything up to Mai. But it is still accurate enough.
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Patreon Exclusives is the Feed of History of Everything Normal + Exclusive Content podcast.
I do enjoy the History of Everything podcast; the potato episode is still my favorite, despite the audio quality back then. Myths and Legends is another podcast that I personally enjoy along with PBS Eons.
I haven't seen Linus ever since Gamers Nexus came out with their report on that company. Has he gotten better, or does he still do stupid stuff?
LTT has gotten better, it looks like they have reevaluated they're Workflows surrounding the testing stuff.
I think Linus still does Stupid stuff, but isn't in the Position anymore to do it in places where it is problematic There are better safety measures as it looks. I also don't listen or watch much of them anymore either.
Haven't listened through the Backlog but will definitely listen to that episode now.
Will check out Myths and Legends, and PBS Eons also as booth look interesting.