TF2s Client and Server code have been made available on Github under the Source 1 SDK Licence. Meaning it can be used for non Commerical Purposes. TF2 is now in the hand of the Community
Last edited by Crazyroostereye on Mon Feb 24, 2025 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
That's cool! Though, if they are restricting redistribution, then it's not open source but rather "source available." It's good news nonetheless, but I think it's a good idea to use the correct term to avoid giving others the wrong idea.
Unfortunately, companies love to say that they are open sourcing their technologies when they are just making them source available. It honestly turns me off from most companies when they do that.
@Stefen_Maxwell they actually dident say that, It was more inferred from me.
Personally I don't dislike Source Available Licences, it depends on them. Like Non-commercial Licences are good in my Books. As it still is transparent, so it shows what code does, but disallows the Commercial Usage of the stuff.
While not OSI compliant I find it is equally valid. We have seen what Companies do with OSS code. It is one way to prevent it.