My favourite social media platform is Wikipedia.

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My favourite social media platform is Wikipedia.

Post by JINSBEK »

No, really, Wikipedia.

I remember as a kid, being enamoured with the userpages (random one I picked out of Chrono Trigger’s edit history!) of the community members who built the site. People went back and forth on their own Discussion pages inviting them to collaborate in community events, and to notify them that their original works were nominated as the Featured Picture of the Day on the Wikimedia Commons, and so on. Instead of focusing on having the most “agreeable” opinions on something, or making “number go up” on ephemeral, ultimately forgettable selfies and “witty Tweets” etc., the communication was centred on providing the best quality information and other content to a greater community. Whilst also still being individual members with particular quirks, interests, jokes, and aptitudes and capacities.

I loved my time being active on Wikipedia, and the Wikimedia Commons, as an active editor. Seeing the userpages even now is kind of like a nostalgic time capsule to me, except it’s still alive—like a living snowglobe. Full of sea monkeys. Yes, the metaphor breaks down there, but just go with it. What about you guys?
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