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I'm glad this forum exists!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 5:41 am
by seasnails
Man, I was disproportionately excited when I heard mention of this forum in the latest video. I used to have a personal friends forum and it had activity throughout the day every day. (I tried to make a new one a couple years back but only two people joined.) All the old forums I used to frequent are now dead or just gone. Everyone has discord servers but it's not the same, mostly stream of consciousness microthoughts that are rarely relevant.

Sorry for the old man rant. I'm just hopeful and excited to see and be a part of the now-rare birth of a new forum! I hope to be a positive contributor.

Re: I'm glad this forum exists!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 12:11 pm
by rejectconvenience
I'm really excited that people have found value in it already :) I knew I didn't want to make a Discord server, because I felt it didn't align with a lot of the videos I've made recently. I can't know that people will read the privacy policy of a service like Discord, but I figured if I made it myself, I can ensure that there aren't privacy concerns. Yes, I need your email just for the validation process to prevent bots, but I don't ask for your name or any other information that could be linked back to you. It's also why I have such a strict password policy, I want to make sure people aren't reusing passwords, and making it that complex makes it far more likely someone isn't reusing it. It was a realization I had semi-recently: why rely on services that frustrate me that I can't control at all when I have the ability to make my own? Why am I letting computers tell me what to do? So yeah, that's mostly why this is a thing - make the internet work the way YOU want it.

Obviously this is part of that future video I mentioned somewhere else, but honestly, having people join sooner and getting valuable feedback is going to make that video even better. I don't want to give away too much, though, so I'll leave it all at that.

Re: I'm glad this forum exists!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:51 pm
by MikeGs
I'm pretty excited about this aswell! It's been a long time since I've felt like being part and actively contribute to smaller communities like this, and I'm all down for it!

@rejectconvenience is right, making a Discord server isn't the best idea, and I feel like the sense of community in a good old forum is much stronger, not to mention that indexing and finding posts/info is a lot easier here. I still don't know how people are able to find stuff on Discord, search simply doesn't work and the way that results are portrayed doesn't help either.

Yup, this is the Internet I want to be part of.

Re: I'm glad this forum exists!

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:50 pm
by Linkard
Glad to have you here!