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"The Importance of Inconvenience" by MecklesFrog

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:55 pm
by seasnails
I ended up on this video today and thought it could be of interest to the folks around here:

I love videos like this, man. They make me nostalgic, they make me think about how things are changing and the potential pitfalls of some of our "progress", and they make me think about how I can still go back to some of those old ways today if I just make the effort to do so.

It also makes me really glad that my firstborn, now in their later teens, still likes finding excuses to go out on "adventures" with me to stores or whatnot that we technically could avoid with more convenient services. There's something to be said about the dedicated act of taking the time to go out and do something, instead of just tapping an icon on a phone from wherever we're lounging at the moment.

Re: "The Importance of Inconvenience" by MecklesFrog

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:31 pm
by rejectconvenience
Awesome suggestion, I love the style and editing and obviously the topic. Thanks for sharing!!

Re: "The Importance of Inconvenience" by MecklesFrog

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:42 pm
by MikeGs
Awesome video, I've been feeling this way for quite a while. I feel like convenience removes the "ritual" aspect of consuming certain types of art. The whole process of going to Blockbuster, renting a movie, probably chat with someone in the process, and then go back, physically get the media out and into your player of choice, made the whole experience much more fulfilling, it meant something, it required effort.

As the video says, when every single piece of media/art is available within the same device that you do everything else, within seconds and without any kind of friction or effort, makes the whole experience much more forgettable. Don't like the movie? No worries, go back a couple of menus and choose another one out of 1000's of movies within the catalog.

I think more people should prioritize physical media above anything else, primarily for archival purposes. The amount of media out there that has never been uploaded to streaming platforms, or that has been removed is gigantic. Some of them have even been censored, which makes this whole thing even weirder, why would anyone censor a 30 year old piece of media?

Super interesting topic @seasnails , thanks for sharing!