About Accessibility of your website

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About Accessibility of your website

Post by nathnolt »

Hey reject convenience,

Nice website,
I just want to let you know, that your website could be more accessible for people using keyboards and screen reader tools.
  1. On the main https://rejectconvenience.com/ Website At the top, you've essentially got a bunch of links to other pages, but they have an outline of none !important, so when you focus on them (by pressing the tab key), you do not see a little outline on them. Consider removing the style which removes the outline. Or even better, change the background color on :focus-visible as well as on :hover
  2. The iPad Jams page.
    At the top of this table, you have essentially 1 header line, but these aren't <th> elements and instead are <td> elements. Consider making these <th> elements instead. Also this is a pretty long table. Maybe you could make it a JavaScript enhanced datatable, so the table is searchable, sortable and filterable.
  3. Privacy visualizer
    When you click on one of the items (these should be buttons, and not anchor tags also), a dialog opens, but the focus does not maintain trapped within the dialog, and the focus does not move towards the dialog when openend (either the dialog element itself, or the close button.), and for some reason, these dialogs are made with iframes, when a <dialog> element would have been the better choice (more accessible, and would be easier to style). I'm not really sure why you can make the color of these images different, but this feature is not keyboard accessible either.
  4. Your neocities page
    This page is very accessible, you misspelled forum on the link, it instead spells Fourm.
  5. The forum
    I assume that you're using a certain theme. And I'm not sure about the customizability of the phpBB themes, but it's not very accessible.
    for example 1 Thing I instantly noticed is that when you search something, the text is a dark color, and as the field has a black background, so it's hard to see what I've typed. And there's some more stuff but I don't know how much control you have over this.
Other things I saw
  1. There's no way that you need 263k of CSS and 172kb of JavaScript for this website
  2. The iPod Jams page is really sluggish, when you resize the page it chugs.
I don't personally use a screen reader day by day, I just sometimes test websites a bit as a front-end dev. And accessibility is an interesting topic to me. It's very hard to actually do everything right when you have a decently complicated website, for example, I'm sure that this phpBB forum thing could be much better.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: About Accessibility of your website

Post by rejectconvenience »

Thank you for the feedback! I will look into addressing what I can!
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